The End Of An Era
Sunday, Jan. 23, 2005 | 1:29 a.m.

Here's the deal. This blog, journal, diary, site, whatever you want to call it, is like my Fortress of Solitude. It is a place where I can post my thoughts and feelings and experiences without fear of repercussion, a place where I can truly voice what I'm feeling and not have to worry. Yes, it is on the Internet, out there for all to see, but there is a sort of safety in the anonymity of the Web. In fact, one of the rules of thumb of blogs is if you happen to find the site of someone you know in real life, you let them know. Period.
Someone has decided to violate that code. I recently discovered the identity of one of the readers, and that has violeated the sanctity of my Fortress. So, after some thought, I have decided to end this site. I put a password up and spent all last night backing up every entry onto my hard drive (it is the last two years of my life, after all) and deleting it from Diaryland. I am sorry that it had to come to this, but I know that I would never feel comfortable here again.
Don't get me wrong. I'm not done with my blogging. I have gotten a taste for speaking my mind, and that isn't something I feel I should have to give up. If you're interested in my new blog address, just e-mail me at [email protected]. Other than my aforementioned reasoning for moving, I don't really care who reads this. As for my reasoning, they would have to be an utter idiot to try talking to me, and I feel fairly confident I won't be found without a large amount of work.
So, that's that. It's been a good run. Thanks for the memories. And that's all she wrote.

before | after